League of Legends Champion: Sona

LoL Champion: Sona, the Maven of the Strings - Champion Spotlight

Sona is an exceptionally potent support champion. Her main draw over other support champions is her ability to hasten her teammates’ movement speed. With this advantage, Sona applies well to very mobile strategies with teams who want to out-position their enemies. Thus, she can be extremely useful with split pushes or heavily gank-oriented strategies.

Time to put it in some sleazy League of Legends champions.

When playing her, I try to get the new item, Shurelya’s Firecrest, for the regeneration and cooldown as well as that extra boost of movement speed on demand. My main draw is Mejai’s Soulstealer, though. If you position yourself well, you shouldn’t die in most fights, allowing you to stack up your Mejai’s with assists. Afterwards, I find Innervating Locket and Zhonya’s Ring to be very effective items. The massive ability power, huge regeneration bonuses and 40% cooldown reduction are really effective on Sona.

Sona's LoL skill order is:

1. Hymn of Valor
2. Aria of Perseverance
3. Song of Celerity
4. Aria of Perseverance
5. Aria of Perseverance
6. Crescendo
7. Aria of Perseverance
8. Song of Celerity
9. Aria of Perseverance
10. Song of Celerity
11. Crescendo
12. Song of Celerity
13. Song of Celerity
14. Hymn of Valor
15. Hymn of Valor
16. Crescendo
17. Hymn of Valor
18. Hymn of Valor

Sona's LoL item build is:

* Mana Manipulator
* Philosopher’s Stone
* Boots of Speed -> Boots of Swiftness
* Mejai’s Soulstealer
* Shurelya’s Firecrest
* Innervating Locket
* Zhonya’s Ring
* Guardian Angel

Got a better build compared to this?

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